Governing Documents & Rules

The Provincial Government is in process of reviewing the Condominium Act of 1998. Stage One of three stages of this review process has been completed, and documents of Findings have been produced.

Condo review full summary, first part being the “Executive Summary.”

You will also find this and other documents and background at this site:

Finally, the Ministry of Consumer Services has issued this summary of Stage One.

Certificate of Insurance

Proof of insurance coverage for the building for the calendar year 2024 can be found here.

Board of Directors meeting minutes

The Minutes of the meetings of the Board of Directors are in the larger binders on a shelf at the top of a half-size bookcase in the NE corner of the room. Usually the Minutes of one Board meeting are approved at the next meeting and then a copy (“redacted”) is placed in the library binder. We will reinstitute the practice of also inserting the one-page Treasurer’s Report presented at each Board meeting.

Interested owners may email the office to get on the list for receiving approved Minutes by email.

2021 Reserve Fund Study

A printed copy of the Study may be found in the library. It is in a small binder on the same shelf as the larger binders with Board minutes.  To view online, click here

What you will find are recommended repairs and replacements over the next number of years along with cost estimates.

1998 Condominium Act and Regulations

Ontario’s Condominium Act 1998 (proclaimed in 2001) is the governing law for all Ontario condominiums. Here is a link to the Act.

Condominium Act

Here are the regulations for the Act.



The Declaration of York Condominium Corporation 75 dates from 1972 (May 16) and is the basic description and law for this condo.

Declaration Declaration Schedules


Bylaw No. 1 of York Condominium Corporation 75 was officially registered on November 7, 1972. Article XIII (Rules and Regulations) has been superseded by new rules in 2009, 2010 and 2012, but the rest still governs our condo.

Bylaw 1

Bylaw No. 2 of York Condominium Corporation 75 (the Standard Unit Bylaw) came into effect in 2010. It has mainly to do with issues about insurance. (This is a large document and takes time to open.)

Bylaw 2

Bylaw No. 3 of York Condominium Corporation 75 was officially registered on November 11, 2020.  It has to do with Electronic Meetings and Voting.

Bylaw 3

Bylaw 4


Rules are designed for safety and harmony among the residents of our 492 units. Some rules were passed by the board in 2009, and included is the latest Rule 19, October 2018.  File updated June 2024.
