“There are now more dogs than children in North America.” (Globe and Mail)
Posters, handouts, helpful tips, resources for dog owners and more:
check the DINOS website (Dogs In Need of Space)

Pets are welcomed at 40 Homewood and owners tend to be very responsible about their “special friends.” We’re aware of some of our neighbour cats and birds, but mostly we encounter our canine neighbours.
The building is lucky to be located just next to a City parkette where dogs can exercise and — just down the block — a large off-leash area at Allan Gardens.
The City of Toronto has licensing requirements for pets.
The City also has a Dog Owners’ Liability Act
Toronto has an animal noise bylaw
Condo rules about pets and animals
7.1 Pets must be carried or on a short leash everywhere on the property of thecorporation except inside individual units.
7.2 No pet that the Board considers a nuisance shall be kept by any Resident in any unit or in any other part of the property. If a Resident receives written notice from the Board or Property Manager requesting removal of the pet, the Resident shall, within two (2) weeks, permanently remove the pet from the property.
7.3 A pet may be declared a nuisance by the Board in its discretion, including but not limited to where initial complaints regarding barking, aggressive behaviour, damage to gardens or other property, or urinating or defecating anywhere on the property are not resolved by the Resident.
7.4 Residents shall not feed pigeons, squirrels or other undomesticated animals anywhere on the property.
7.5 Pets are not allowed to roam freely in corridors or other common areas, including the elevators.
7.6 For the comfort and safety of all Residents, no pets or animals are permitted in the library, laundry room, gym, pool, recreation room, patio or multi- purpose room.
7.7 Pet owners shall not allow their pets to urinate or defecate anywhere on the common areas of the property.