We have a hobby room on the B3 level for your messier, noisier jobs. It’s a plain room with concrete walls. The sum total of its contents are: a workbench, vice grip, electrical outlet, garbage pail, broom and dustbin. You take everything else, including your tools. Because it’s on B3, you can drill, hammer and generally make noise with power tools at all hours without disturbing any residents.
Unfortunately we cannot allow painting or anything that creates fumes, because we do not have heavy-duty ventilation in the room.
It’s available on a first-come, first-served basis. Please go to the office to pick up the key. You may be put on a waiting list if someone else is using the room. The office will ask you about how long you intend to use the room, in case someone else asks for access. We ask you to limit your projects to one week at a time to give others an opportunity to use the room.
We ask you to sweep the room when you’re done, and return the key to the office. If the office is closed, you can put the key through the mail slot beside the office door.
(It’s not pretty enough to merit a picture.)