In use at the August 2013 BBQ
Residents tried it out on Labour Day weekend and had “yummy” results.
While the patio is available for various uses (sun-bathing, hanging out, etc.), it was developed and decorated in 2013 with BBQs in mind. The second level of the three patio areas has been furnished with chaise lounges for those interested in sunbathing as well!
Residents interested in barbecuing are aware that the Corporation bought and installed two barbecues in August of 2013.
They are available to residents who wish to do their own barbecuing.
A BBQ may be booked for an hour through either the office or security. You may plan and book ahead or you may be spontaneous and check with the office or security at the last minute to find out whether one of the BBQs is free. When the time comes, security (or staff) will unlock the gas so you can turn it on. Included utensils are fork, tongs, flipper, basting brush and cleaning brush.
Occasionally the Recreation Room is booked for a private party. In that case, access to the BBQ patio (outside the swimming pool) will be through a new gate installed in the fence by the back door bicycle rack. From there, you will need to go down two staircases to the lower patio.
Most times, the Recreation Room is not booked for a private party (for which rent has been paid) and thus the barbecuers may go through there to the patio and may also have use of the Recreation Room kitchen and the washrooms in the B1 hallway.
Some will prefer to take their cooked food back up to their units to eat, and others may like to remain at the patio. We have ordered picnic tables, and they will probably be here before the Annual BBQ.
A fully accessible ramp and door from the Recreation Room to the patio has been installed to assure access for all residents. Additionally, the two washrooms in the 1B corridor have been retrofitted for full accessibility and gender neutrality.
If you book a private party and rent the Recreation Room for your exclusive use, you may use a BBQ if you also reserve one of them and pay the additional BBQ fee. That does not, however, mean that the patio is for your exclusive use that evening.