(Additional pictures of the building and area may be found at the Picasa album.)

This view shows the north/south streets Church, Jarvis, Homewood and Sherbourne between Wellesley and Carlton.

The yellow house was # 40 Homewood. A few doors south (left in the picture), there is a street going halfway through to Jarvis. That was Montague Street and was where the Montague Parkette now is.

Toronto Archives pictures of Homewood Avenue, 1973, with 2011 updates

All of these 1973 photographs of Homewood Avenue are under copyright to the City of Toronto Archives who have given written permission that they can be posted on this website.
City of Toronto Archives, s1587_ss0001_fl0129_it0001—it0008 2.

The above picture, April 6, 1924, is under copyright to the City of Toronto Archives. Their label is 154 Carlton, corner of Homewood Avenue. Fonds 1266, Item 2334.

51 Homewood, March through May, 2006

Click for a history of the schools on this site.

When the developers of L’Esprit condo (15 Maitland Place + 60 Homewood) were gathering the land, the owners of the houses just to the right (north) of this house would not sell. They (#’s 74 and 76) still remain. The developers were able to buy #72 and, below, they owned the corner lot.

In 1988, # 72 was moved to the corner and became # 78. Two additional houses were built onto the back, facing Maitland Place.

More pictures of the building, the neighbourhood and the area may be found on Picasa.